Classwork 1: Getting started with Linux, vim, and the course server


  • Due: Friday, January 20th AoE (Saturday 6am Bozeman time).
  • Submission instructions: make sure that the required file is in your /classwork/week1/fri/ directory.
  • Deadline reminder: after the deadline passes, you cannot earn any points for this assignment.
  • You get 10 points if your output perfectly matches the sample and 0 otherwise.

Learning outcomes

  • Be able to ssh into the course server and use basic Linux commands to navigate and perform basic tasks.
  • Be able to read and edit files using vim.
  • Understand how you will complete classwork assignments in this course.


  • If on Windows, download Cygwin, open it, and use as you would the Mac/Linux terminal in the next step.
  • Log in to the server: open a terminal window and type
ssh <netid>
  • Enter your netid password when prompted.
  • Use mkdir to create a classwork directory.
  • Use cd to navigate into the classwork directory.
  • Repeat the same process to create a week1 directory and navigate into it.
  • Create another directory inside week1 called fri and navigate into that.
  • Inside fri, use vim (or a text editor of your choice) to create a file called example.txt. Inside it, write the text Hello, world!.
  • You can check that you will get full credit for this assignment by running
    diff example.txt /public/classwork/week1/fri/expected_output.txt

    You will see any differences between your file and the expected file on the screen. If nothing happens, the content of your file exactly matches the expected content. As long as your file is in the correct place and named correctly, this means that you will get full credit for the assignment.

Grading turnaround

Preliminary scores via autograder will be present in your /classwork/week1/fri directory in the autograder.txt file at the end of class and at 5pm. Final scores will be run at 6am Saturday and scores will be uploaded to D2L by class time Monday.