Classwork 14


  • Due: Monday, March 20th AoE.
  • Submission instructions: make sure that the required file (swap.c) is in your /classwork/week9/mon/ directory.
  • Deadline reminder: after the deadline passes, you cannot earn any points for this assignment.

Learning outcomes

  • Practice using an array of pointers to store a different ordering of strings without making a copy


  • Log in to the server.
  • From your home directory, navigate to classwork/week9/mon/, creating directories week9 and mon if necessary.
  • Copy the file /public/classwork/week9/mon/swap.c to your current directory.
  • In swap.c, fill in the code described under TODO.


You can run the autograder yourelf

The autograder.txt file will be updated every 5 minutes.

Grading turnaround

The autograder will be run at 6am to calculate final scores. Scores will be uploaded to D2L by the next class period.