Classwork 17


  • Due: Wednesday, March 29th AoE.
  • Submission instructions: make sure that the required files (locations.c, coordinates.h,location.h) are in your /classwork/week10/wed/ directory.
  • Deadline reminder: after the deadline passes, you cannot earn any points for this assignment.

Learning outcomes

  • Practice using header files


  • Log in to the server.
  • From your home directory, navigate to classwork/week10/wed/, creating directories week10 and wed if necessary.
  • Copy your locations.c file from Monday’s classwork, or copy the solution from /public/classwork/week10/mon/solution.c into a locations.c file.
  • Move the Location struct definition to a header file called location.h.
  • Move your other struct definition to a header file called coordinates.h.
  • Make sure you include location.h and coordinates.h where they are needed!


You can run the autograder yourself by running


The autograder.txt file will be created or replaced. You may get a few lines of output about not being able to remove files, etc. This is okay.

Grading turnaround

The autograder will be run at 6am to calculate final scores. Scores will be uploaded to D2L by the next class period.