Classwork 2: Hello, world!


  • Due: Monday, January 23rd AoE (Tuesday 6am Bozeman time).
  • Submission instructions: make sure that the required file (hello_world.c) is in your /classwork/week2/mon/ directory.
  • Deadline reminder: after the deadline passes, you cannot earn any points for this assignment.

Learning outcomes

  • Write, compile, and run your first C program.


  • Log in to the server.
  • From your home directory, navigate to classwork/week2/mon/, creating directories week2 and mon if necessary.
  • Inside this directory, create a file called hello_world.c.
  • Type or paste the following:
#include <stdio.h>

int main(void) {

     // prints "Hello, world!"
     printf("Hello, world!\n");

     // exit with no errors
  • Compile your program to the executable file exe (or other filename of your choice) using gcc -o exe -Wall hello_world.c.
  • Run your program using ./<filename> (./exe if you compiled into exe).

You can check that you will get full credit for this assignment by compiling your program, running it and saving its output to a file, and comparing that file to the example output. Specifically, do:

gcc -o exe -Wall hello_world.c
./exe > output.txt
diff ~/classwork/week2/mon/output.txt /public/classwork/week2/mon/expected_output.txt

You will see any warnings during compilation and any differences between your output and the expected output on the screen. If nothing happens, the content of your output file exactly matches the expected content and there were no warnings when compiling. As long as your file is in the correct place and named correctly, this means that you will get full credit for the assignment.

Grading turnaround

Preliminary results via autograder will be present in the appropriate classwork directory in the autograder.txt file at the end of class and refereshed at 5pm. Final grading will be run at 6am tomorrow and scores will be uploaded to D2L by the next class period.