Classwork 4


  • Due: Monday, January 30th AoE.
  • If you want to see the results of the autograder so that you can check that you will get full credit: create the directory classwork/week3/mon. You don’t need to put anything in it. But that’s the only place that the autograder knows to put your file. You can still get full credit even without doing this, but you won’t get the preliminary results.
  • Submission instructions: make sure that the required directory (csci112_spring2023) is in your home directory, that it is a git repository, and that it has a commit with the tag lab1.
  • Deadline reminder: after the deadline passes, you cannot earn any points for this assignment.

Learning outcomes

  • Get your git repository set up and practice making a tagged commit.


  • Log in to the server.
  • In your home directory, create a directory called csci112_spring2023. Note that you must match this directory name exactly.
  • Navigate into csci112_spring2023.
  • Follow the instructions from the git lecture notes to initialize a git repository.
  • Create a labs directory.
  • Inside labs, create a lab1 directory.
  • Inside csci112_spring2023/labs/lab1, create any file. (An example.txt file with hello, world! in it, a start on your source code for lab 1, etc.)
  • Follow the instructions from the git lecture notes to add all changes, commit, and tag the current snapshot of your repository as lab1.

Grading turnaround

Preliminary results via autograder will be present in the appropriate classwork directory in the autograder.txt, refreshed every 5 minutes during class and every hour until 6am the following day. The 6am run is the final grade. Scores will be uploaded to D2L by the next class period.