Lab 2


  • Due: Sunday, May 16th no later than 11:59pm.
  • Submission instructions: push a commit with the tag lab2 to your git repository.
  • Deadline reminder: after the deadline passes, you cannot earn any points for this assignment. If the deadline is approaching, submit what you have in order to earn partial credit.

Learning outcomes

  • Practice using if statements.
  • Practice using loops.


This is based on problem 7, chapter 5 on page 309.

Write a program to process a collection of daily high temperatures. Your program should count the number of hot days (high temperature 85 or higher), the number of pleasant days (high temperature 60-84), and the number of cold days (high temperatures less than 60). Then, it should print a visualization of those numbers (see sample output for an example) and the average temperature.


  • Write your program in a file called lab2.c in your csci112-firstname-lastname/labs/lab2/ directory.
  • You can assume that the user will only enter integers.

Example output

[p19t655@csci112 lab2]$ ./lab2
Enter a high temp reading (-99 to quit)> 100
Enter a high temp reading (-99 to quit)> 0
Enter a high temp reading (-99 to quit)> 50
Enter a high temp reading (-99 to quit)> -99

Hot days:	1
Pleasant days:	0
Cold days:	2

The average temperature was 50.00 degrees.
[p19t655@csci112 lab2]$ ./lab2
Enter a high temp reading (-99 to quit)> 52
Enter a high temp reading (-99 to quit)> 62
Enter a high temp reading (-99 to quit)> 68
Enter a high temp reading (-99 to quit)> 74
Enter a high temp reading (-99 to quit)> 59
Enter a high temp reading (-99 to quit)> 45
Enter a high temp reading (-99 to quit)> 41
Enter a high temp reading (-99 to quit)> 58
Enter a high temp reading (-99 to quit)> 60
Enter a high temp reading (-99 to quit)> 67
Enter a high temp reading (-99 to quit)> 65
Enter a high temp reading (-99 to quit)> 78
Enter a high temp reading (-99 to quit)> 82
Enter a high temp reading (-99 to quit)> 88
Enter a high temp reading (-99 to quit)> 91
Enter a high temp reading (-99 to quit)> -99

Hot days:	2
Pleasant days:	8
Cold days:	5

The average temperature was 66.00 degrees.

Grading - 100 points

  • 5 points: code is indented so it is readable
  • 10 points: compiles successfully with -Wall – no warnings
  • 10 points - the program stops collecting data when the user enters -99, and -99 is not counted as a temperature
  • 5 points - hot temperatures are counted correctly
  • 5 points - pleasant temperatures are counted correctly
  • 5 points - cold temperatures are counted correctly
  • 20 points - the average computation is correct
  • 5 points - the average temperatures is printed with exactly two decimal places

Grading turnaround

This lab will be graded within one week of its due date.

Go beyond

  • Use functions to avoid repeated code when printing your visualization.
  • Use the increment operator ++ and addition assignment += when possible.