Lecture 1: Getting started with Linux, vim, and git

Today, we are covering the course syllabus and the basic tools we need to complete the work for the course: Linux, vim, and git. These aren’t hard, but they are not intuitive and it will take practice before you get comfortable. Take the time now to go through the tutorials that I point to and you’ll set yourself up for success throughout the course.

Course intro


Using the course server and basic Linux


Key topics:

  • Using ssh to get to the server:
    ssh [netid]@csci112.cs.montana.edu
  • Linux commands: pwd, ls (ls -a), cd, mkdir, rm, touch, man, cp, mv, Ctrl c, ctrl d, tab completion

Additional links and resources:

Using vim and creating your vimrc


Key ideas:

  • Run vimtutor and get through Lesson 4 to practice vim commands
  • .vimrc file holds all of your vim configuration

Additional links and resources:

Using git and GitHub
