1. Print Pokedex 2. Print Pokemon by Name 3. Print Pokemon by Number 4. Count Pokemon with Type 5. Print Average Pokemon Combat Points 6. Quit Enter a menu option: 1 The Pokedex: ----------- Number: 1, Name: Bulbasaur, CP: 318, Type: grass and poison Number: 2, Name: Ivysaur, CP: 405, Type: grass and poison Number: 3, Name: Venusaur, CP: 525, Type: grass and poison Number: 4, Name: Charmander, CP: 309, Type: fire Number: 5, Name: Charmeleon, CP: 405, Type: fire Number: 6, Name: Charizard, CP: 534, Type: fire and flying Number: 7, Name: Squirtle, CP: 314, Type: water Number: 8, Name: Wartortle, CP: 405, Type: water Number: 9, Name: Blastoise, CP: 530, Type: water Number: 10, Name: Caterpie, CP: 195, Type: bug Number: 11, Name: Metapod, CP: 205, Type: bug Number: 12, Name: Butterfree, CP: 395, Type: bug and flying Number: 13, Name: Weedle, CP: 195, Type: bug and poison Number: 14, Name: Kakuna, CP: 205, Type: bug and poison Number: 15, Name: Beedrill, CP: 395, Type: bug and poison Number: 16, Name: Pidgey, CP: 251, Type: normal and flying Number: 17, Name: Pidgeotto, CP: 349, Type: normal and flying Number: 18, Name: Pidgeot, CP: 479, Type: normal and flying Number: 19, Name: Rattata, CP: 253, Type: normal Number: 20, Name: Raticate, CP: 413, Type: normal Number: 21, Name: Spearow, CP: 262, Type: normal and flying Number: 22, Name: Fearow, CP: 442, Type: normal and flying Number: 23, Name: Ekans, CP: 288, Type: poison Number: 24, Name: Arbok, CP: 448, Type: poison Number: 25, Name: Pikachu, CP: 320, Type: electric Number: 26, Name: Raichu, CP: 485, Type: electric and psychic Number: 27, Name: Sandshrew, CP: 300, Type: ground Number: 28, Name: Sandslash, CP: 450, Type: ground Number: 29, Name: Nidoran, CP: 275, Type: poison Number: 30, Name: Nidorina, CP: 365, Type: poison Number: 810, Name: Yeet, CP: 777, Type: steel and fire and water and grass and electric and psychic and ice and dragon and dark and fairy and ??? 1. Print Pokedex 2. Print Pokemon by Name 3. Print Pokemon by Number 4. Count Pokemon with Type 5. Print Average Pokemon Combat Points 6. Quit Enter a menu option: 2 Enter a Pokemon name: RAICHU Number: 26, Name: Raichu, CP: 485, Type: electric and psychic 1. Print Pokedex 2. Print Pokemon by Name 3. Print Pokemon by Number 4. Count Pokemon with Type 5. Print Average Pokemon Combat Points 6. Quit Enter a menu option: 2 Enter a Pokemon name: raichump There is no Pokemon named raichump 1. Print Pokedex 2. Print Pokemon by Name 3. Print Pokemon by Number 4. Count Pokemon with Type 5. Print Average Pokemon Combat Points 6. Quit Enter a menu option: 3 Enter a Pokemon number: 26 Number: 26, Name: Raichu, CP: 485, Type: electric and psychic 1. Print Pokedex 2. Print Pokemon by Name 3. Print Pokemon by Number 4. Count Pokemon with Type 5. Print Average Pokemon Combat Points 6. Quit Enter a menu option: 3 Enter a Pokemon number: 34 There is no Pokemon number 34 1. Print Pokedex 2. Print Pokemon by Name 3. Print Pokemon by Number 4. Count Pokemon with Type 5. Print Average Pokemon Combat Points 6. Quit Enter a menu option: 4 Enter a Pokemon type: Normal Number of Pokemon that contain type normal is 7 1. Print Pokedex 2. Print Pokemon by Name 3. Print Pokemon by Number 4. Count Pokemon with Type 5. Print Average Pokemon Combat Points 6. Quit Enter a menu option: 4 Enter a Pokemon type: ??? Number of Pokemon that contain type ??? is 1 1. Print Pokedex 2. Print Pokemon by Name 3. Print Pokemon by Number 4. Count Pokemon with Type 5. Print Average Pokemon Combat Points 6. Quit Enter a menu option: 4 Enter a Pokemon type: unknown Number of Pokemon that contain type unknown is 0 1. Print Pokedex 2. Print Pokemon by Name 3. Print Pokemon by Number 4. Count Pokemon with Type 5. Print Average Pokemon Combat Points 6. Quit Enter a menu option: 5 Average Pokemon combat points is 370.71 1. Print Pokedex 2. Print Pokemon by Name 3. Print Pokemon by Number 4. Count Pokemon with Type 5. Print Average Pokemon Combat Points 6. Quit Enter a menu option: 6 Thank you. Goodbye!