Lab 0: Syllabus Scavenger Hunt


  • Due: Monday, May 18th no later than 5pm.
  • Partner information: complete this assignment individually.
  • Submission instructions: upload a .txt file entitled YourFirstName-YourLastName-Lab0.txt to the BrightSpace Lab 0 Dropbox.
  • Deadline reminder: once this deadline passes, BrightSpace will no longer accept your submission and you will no longer be able to earn credit. Thus, if you are not able to fully complete the assignment, submit whatever you have before the deadline so that partial credit can be earned.

Learning outcomes

  • Be able to use the course Slack workspace to communicate with the instructor and your classmates.
  • Create an account for the course on Runestone Interactive.
  • Understand the general course structure and the resources available to help you succeed.
  • Be able to use Montana State’s Course Management System, Brightspace, to submit an assignment.


Part 1: Questions to answer

  • Download syllabus-scavenger-hunt.txt and rename it according to the instructions above.
  • Answer the questions in your own words to demonstrate the you understand the course syllabus.

Part 2: Actions to complete

  • Post in the #random channel on Slack introducing yourself to the class. At minimum, tell us your preferred name, your major (or intended major), and one thing you are looking forward to during the course (can be course-related or not).
  • Go to this link and paint over all of the time slots that would work for you to attend office hours. Enter your name and click “Send Response”.

Grading - 10 points

  • 1 points - a .txt file namedd YourFirstName-YourLastName-Lab0.txt is submitted to the Brightspace Lab 0 Dropbox no later than 5pm on Monday, May 18th.
  • 5 points - each of the five questions in the .txt file has a correct answer.
  • 2 points - there is a post in the #random channel on Slack including the information described above.
  • 2 points - there is a response to the whenisgood poll with your name.

Grading turnaround

This lab will be graded with scores in Brightspace by 12pm the following day (May 19th).