Lab 2


  • Due: on Thursday, September 8th anywhere on earth (6am Friday). (Penalties from the syllabus apply if you turn it in any later.)
  • Submission instructions: you have two options. The first option is to demonstrate the execution of your lab to your TA during your assigned lab section on Thursday. The second option is to submit your two .java files to the Lab 2 assignment on D2L.

Learning outcomes

  • Practice writing and using a class
  • Practice using modifiers
  • Practice overriding the built-in toString


Create two java files:



Your Animal class should contain 3 private data members and 6 public methods as follows.


  • name
  • age
  • species


  • getName()
  • setName()
  • getAge()
  • setAge()
  • getSpecies()
  • setSpecies()
  • toString()

The getters and setters should respectively return or update the name, and the toString() method should override Java’s built in toString method (which every Java object has), and should display something like this:

Name: Jimmy. Age: 3. Species: Squirrel.

You should also have two constructors for the Animal so that it is possible to initialize a new Animal with default data values of "Unnamed", -1, and "Unknown". The other constructor should take the three values needed to initialize a new Animal object with all three fields.

The will be a driver class that you will use to demo the Animal class. The driver should initialize two Animal objects. One animal should be constructed with its name, age, and species. (You decide those.) The other animal should be constructed with the default values, and subsequently use the setter methods to give the animal a name, age, and species. After displaying the first two animals, the program should prompt the user for another animal, let the user enter its three attributes, and then print it.

Sample run

Name: Jimmy. Age: 3. Species: Squirrel.
Name: Sam. Age: 1. Species: Spider.
Create your own animal!
Enter a name:
Enter an age:
Enter a species:
Name: Johnathan. Age: 40. Species: Walrus.

Grading - 10 points

  • 4 points - Your AnimalDemo program displays 2 animals (name, age, and species) when run
  • 2 points - Your AnimalDemo program constructs the 2 animals with two different constructors as explained above
  • 3 points - After displaying the two animals, the program prompts the user for another animal, and lets the user enter its three attributes
  • 1 point - After the user enters the information for the third animal, the program displays that animal

Go beyond

If you’d like to test your knowledge further, implement a Zoo class that has an array of Animal objects as a field. You can assume that the zoo will hold no more than 20 animals. At minimum, write a constructor and a method to add animals. (No need to turn this file in, but feel free to demonstrate it to your TA during lab.)

Grading turnaround

This lab will be graded with scores in Brightspace before Tuesday, September 13th.