Lab 7


  • Due: on Thursday, October 13th anywhere on earth (6am Friday). (Penalties from the syllabus apply if you turn it in any later.)
  • Submission instructions: you have two options. The first option is to demonstrate the execution of your lab to your TA during your assigned lab section on Thursday. The second option is to submit your Java file(s) on D2L.

Learning outcomes

  • Practice using Singly Linked Lists
  • Implement a new method for a Singly Linked List


Download and Also, move your Movie class from Lab 6 into your Lab 7 package.

Part 1

Test out the SinglyLinkedList with both strings and movies. Edit the SinglyLinkedListDemo file.

You’ll notice that the code uses the StringBuilder class in the toString() method. You can read more about it here.

Part 2

Write a get(int index) method for SinglyLinkedList that returns the value held at the node at the given index. If there is no node at that index (i.e., the index is too big or is negative), return null. Assume that the index starts at 0 (that is, the first node in the linked list is at index 0).

Sample run

You don’t need to match the output format, but here is an example.

Adding some airports...
Removing an airport...

Adding some movies...
(Pulp Fiction (1994), Tora! Tora! Tora (1970), Parasite (2019))

Testing the get() method...
Tora! Tora! Tora (1970)

Grading - 10 points

  • 3 points - you make a few calls to the addFirst(), addLast(), and removeFirst() methods with strings
  • 3 points - you make a few calls to the addFirst(), addLast(), and removeFirst() methods with movies
  • 4 points - you implement the get() method correctly and demonstrate it in the file.

Grading turnaround

This lab will be graded with scores in Brightspace before Tuesday, October 18th.