Lecture 29: More on stacks + queues; more on Project 4

Lecture video

Textbook chapters


Java implementations

See links in lecture 28.

Stack applications

  • reversing an array
  • delimiter checking

Array-based queue implementation

Key idea: use an array in a circular fashion.

Double-end queue

Also called a deque (proununced “deck”).

Has methods:

  • add and remove first, last
  • add and remove first, last
  • access (but don’t remove) first, last
  • size()
  • isEmpty()

Files used in class

Additional exercises

  • Change our ArrayQueue to an ArrayDeque. Careful with the case when f is 0 and we need to decrement it to the other end of the array!
  • Change our isMatched algorithm to check not just for ( and ) but also other types of delimiters, {} and []. Delimiters must match, so for example a } only closes a {, not the other opening delimters ( and [.
  • What are the asymptotic runtimes of the algorithms in StackAlgs?