Lecture 3: User input, For loops, arrays, lab 1 intro

lecture video

User input with Scanner

  • check out the documentation
  • To read from the keyboard, do something like:
    Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
    String name = sc.next();

For loops in Java

  • Syntax: for (where to start; where to stop; how to increment. For example, for (int i =0; i < 10; i +=2) says start at 0, don’t get to 10, and increment by 2.
  • Enhanced for loop (also known as for-each loop)


  • Syntax: dataType[] varName means that we are declaring an array of type dataType with name varName
  • We can either assign using curly brace notation or assign to an array of specific length

Lab 1 intro

  • TAs
  • Logistics reminders

Files used in class