Lecture 33: Binary search; analyzing recursive algorithms
Textbook chapters
5.1.3; 5.2
Binary search
Suppose we have an unsorted list. In order to search for an element in that list, we can start at the beginning and inspect each element, returning true if we find it and false otherwise. This has an $O(n)$ worst case runtime.
But if the list is sorted, we can be more clever. We use the fact that the list is sorted to quickly “home in” on the value.
The log function
$\log_x y$ is the value $z$ such that $x^z=y$. In computer science, we often use logs with base (the $x$) equal to 2.
Analyzing recursive functions
In order to write down the big-O worst-case runtime of a recursive function, we still want to count the number of primitive operations that the algorithm takes in the worst case, given an input of size $n$. To do this, we think about two things:
- how many recursive calls are there in the worst case?
- how many primitive operations does each call do in the worst case?
Additional exercises
- Write a Java method that computes the integer part of a log base 2 of a positive integer $n$.