Lab 4


  • Due: Friday, March 10th AoE.
  • Submission instructions: ensure that you have the source code you want us to grade in a file called lab4.c in your ~/csci112_spring2023/labs/lab4 directory, and that the snapshot (commit) of your repository containing the version of that file you want us to grade has been committed and tagged as lab4. See the git lecture and classwork 4 for more details.
  • Note that grading will be done on D2L, so you can see comments and a detailed breakdown of your score there, but you do not need to submit anything there.
  • Deadline reminder: per the late assignment policy, if you submit after the deadline but within 24 hours of it you will receive a 25% penalty. If you submit within 48 hours you will receive a 50% penalty. After that, no submissions will be accepted.

Learning outcomes

  • Practice using pointers as output parameters in functions.
  • Practice manipulating the data that pointers point to.
  • Practice reading and writing files using C file pointers.


The City of Bozeman charges water customers \$2.40 per hundred cubic feet (HCF) of water used per month, up to 6 HCF. Additional water use is charged at \$3.31 per HCF.

Write a program that reads in usage data from customers from the file /public/labs/lab4/usage.txt and computes the monthly charge and average cost per HCF for each customer. Write the output to a file called charges.txt. That file might look something like this:

Charges for 1/2023

Customer    Total cost  Average HCF cost
15362       10.08       2.40
42768       31.28       2.82
11111       27.31       2.76
45320       7.68        2.40

You must use a function called compute_charge that computes the total monthly charge for a customer based on the HCF used that month. The function should also calculate the average cost per HCF of the water, so compute_charge must also take in two output parameters to send back these results.

Grading - 100 points

If your code does not compile, has a runtime error on the sample input, or uses global variables (variables declared outside of main), you get an automatic 0.

  • 5 points: opens /public/labs/lab4/usage.txt for reading using fopen
  • 5 points: opens charges.txt for writing using fopen
  • 5 points: successfully reads input from file
  • 5 points: successfully writes output to file
  • 5 points: writes correct month and year
  • 10 points: can accept any number of customers in input file
  • 10 points: compute_charge takes in a double for HCF used, a pointer to a double for the charge, and a pointer to a double for the average
  • 10 points: calls compute_charge to compute the charge and average cost for each customer
  • 10 points: correctly computes the charge
  • 5 points: correctly computes the average
  • 5 points: correctly writes the ID of the customer
  • 5 points: closes both files
  • 10 points: source code is in a commit with tag lab4
  • 10 points: source code is in csci112_spring2023/labs/lab4 directory

Go beyond

Instead of assuming that the input file contains a single row for the whole month, accept an input file that may have multiple readings over the course of the month for a single customer; compute each customer’s charge and average cost as above. A sample input file is available at /public/labs/lab4/complex_usage.txt. Your program should still work for the simple usage case.

Grading turnaround

This lab will be graded within one week of its due date.